Researchers agree our diet should change to fit our lifestyle. Just as a kid needs smaller portions than adults, as we get older it’s important to adapt our food intake to our new needs. Things like a slower metabolism, less physical activity and changes in our physiology mean people over 50 have slightly different nutritional needs than younger adults. Here’s what science says about it.
Humans now live longer than ever, and we’re encountering different health challenges as a result. According to statistics and scientific research, age is decisive factor when it comes to chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, cancer and cognitive decline.
Researchers now know that three factors influence the appearance of these health conditions: physical inactivity, smoking, and diet [1]. Luckily, those are things in your control!
Aging is a natural process that puts stress on our bodies in a different way. This affects every system, and in turn our food intake should change accordingly. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic recommend to follow these general guidelines:
On top of these general suggestions, here’s what a healthy diet for 50-year-old adults and above should look like:
As we age it’s normal to sit more and move less. Lack of consistent physical exercise and natural aging cause muscle loss, which researchers call sarcopenia [5]. After you turn 30, you start losing around 5% muscle mass a year. To fight this, you need to use a combination of medium-intensity exercise and diet.
When increasing your protein intake, it’s important to consider both the total daily amounts, and the sources. As a rule of thumb, eating 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for active adults, considering 1 kg= 2.2 pounds. That results in around 0.7 grams of protein per pound.
On the other hand, a recent study found that the sources of your protein intake mattered as much as the amounts. In this light, prioritizing white meat -poultry and fish- is best as part of a healthy diet to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer [3]. In contrast, higher consumption of red meat -pork, lamb, beef and processes meats- were associated with a higher incidence of certain cancers. That same study found people over 50 eating a ratio of 4-portions of white meat or vegetable protein for every portion of red meat had a lower chance of suffering from chronic conditions.
Carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy diet, but we should be careful about going overboard. In general, people over 50 should focus on having a good mix of complex carbohydrates and try to limit the amount of refined carbs like white bread.
Try to consume a variety of vegetables and fruits, particularly those with bright colors and smells. Those have a higher ratio of healthy antioxidants, which can fight aging signs [3]. Doctors recommend having at least 5 portions of vegetables per day. Experts also consider fruit a separate item, so you should aim at around 4 portions a day [1].
On the other hand, the more fiber in your carbs, the better. According to a 2002 study [3], a higher fiber consumption was linked to lower risk of cardiovascular events. However, keep in mind the link to a lower cancer risk is still unclear and is currently under further study. Aim for around 15 grams of cereal fiber a day.
Even though they get a bad reputation, lipids are both filling and nutritious. In fact, fats are essential to jumpstart a series of physiological processes that allow our bodies to function [3].
As a rule of thumb, try to limit trans and saturated fats present in margarine, vegetable shortening, fried foods and red meat. In contrast, choose foods higher in unsaturated fats and omega-3 and -6 like olive oil, nuts, seeds and fish.
Dried nuts in particular are great sources of healthy fats, but it’s important to be aware of healthy portions. For example, one portion of almonds is one small handful, or 23 almonds. If you munch mindlessly, it’s easy to go overboard! The same goes for olive oil: too much of it can lead to unnecessary weight gain, so try and measure your portions.
On top of having a balanced macronutrient intake, it’s important to have an adequate intake of specific micronutrients. These compounds round up a healthy diet and also make up for certain deficiencies that come up as we age.
Micronutrients are fairly easy to fulfill if you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet. Another good option is adding a multivitamin to your daily routine, since they generally pack everything you need to round up your intake.
How does your diet compare to the ideal 50+ intake? Let us know below!
Oscar Fann
January 7, 2021 at 3:34 am
I disagree with much of what you list…we get WAY TOO MUCH omega 6!!! – in essence, omega 6 can interfere with proper metabolism and liver & kidney efficiency.. agree on omega 3 – get as much as possible, in fact, omega 6 may inhibit omega 3 function…there is NO REASON to ever take omega 6 supplements! Also, I have type 2 diabetes (inherited) & I STRONGLY disagree on eating COMPLEX carbohydrates – ESPECIALLY if you’re diabetic…eat PLENTY of good fats, especially coconut & palm oils, even meat fats in moderation will encourage the body to burn more calories IF you are active!..I’m 71, weigh less than I did in my 20s, play quite a bit of tennis. crave the sun & outdoors & heat! STRONG advocate of Vitamin D supplements – the body’s ability to efficiently convert sunlight into vitamin D decreases with age, especially by age 40 and later (I have worked up to 5000 units/daily). MOST IMPORTANTLY – on your 6 months or yearly checkups – check for an underactive thyroid – like many, I complained about fatigue, lack of focus, brain fog – after playing’catch up’ on my inexpensive thyroid med for a year or two, I have robust energy, acute focus & a sharp mind – so many infomercils for those issues of focus, energy, brain fog – it likely is a common issue with people over 35 – low thyroid production & low vitamin D levels lead to other issues – learn from the symptoms then TREAT the CAUSES not the symptoms! Oscar Fann
Glen Walters
December 15, 2022 at 5:06 pm
Your Hormones in Your 60s and Beyond, that is when I notice everything going south. Andropause, is when testosterone levels begin to drop off more rapidly in cisgender men and some transgender people, which we often see starting around age 60. The most obvious signs related to this drop in testosterone include changes in muscle mass and strength, a decrease in bone mass and an increase in central body fat. As a result, people may experience balance problems, more falls and injuries related to increased osteoporosis and chronic conditions, like sleep apnea, depression, obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and potentially renal or liver diseases.
It’s in these later years where we see body mass changing as part of the natural aging process that we also see changes in insulin sensitivity, or how effective your body is at responding to insulin. Whether or not you have diabetes, research suggests that a decrease in insulin sensitivity is less related to age and more related to an increase in fat mass. So, maintaining a healthy weight as you age can be protective.