Are you officially diagnosed with high blood pressure? You’re not alone: 1 out of every 3 Americans have it. However, this doesn’t mean it has...
Experts talk a lot about a healthy gut, but what is it exactly? And, more importantly, how can you ensure yours stays healthy? Today article...
4 signs of trouble to look out for… Your pee can say a lot about your health. Is yours normal? Here are 4 telltale signs...
Many people believe masks will help protect themselves and their community. Others don’t. What do you think? (Vote your response, click the “Vote Now!” button,...
As women age, their skin gets more delicate and needs special care. However, did you know many of those changes are due to menopause? In...
Many people believe that coronavirus is just a hoax designed to get people to comply with government orders and wreck the economy ahead of November...
The terms CBD and hemp are used interchangeably, but they couldn’t be more different. Do you actually know what you’re buying? Here’s what you need...
Coronavirus breakthrough: How dexamethasone could save critical patients On June 16th, 2020, a research group in the UK published results that could improve the outcomes...
Even if you eat healthy, some everyday staples could be making your arthritis worse. Here are 5 common foods that are making your arthritis worse...
Many people believe they came down with coronavirus some time this past winter and didn’t realize it. What do you think? (Vote your response, click...
Many videos of hospital workers in COVID gear dancing and singing are going viral. What do you think? (Vote your response, click the “Vote Now!”...
With all the buzz about 5G, should we be concerned? What do the experts have to say about it? Today we look closely at several...
A video called ‘Plandemic’ has gone viral and it claims that global powers are conspiring to control you through outbreaks and vaccines. What do you...
Your grill can help you fight colds, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Here are 3 delicious, healthy recipes marinate meat or chicken.