Millions are turning to CBD for pain relief. But does it work on one of the hardest to treat conditions in world: arthritis? The news...
I had a bad back injury last week. I’ve done it before too. But this time it was different. I was back on my in...
Soy broke onto the American health food scene a relatively few years ago after being eaten by Asians for centuries. Quickly, it gained the enviable...
A lot of people are jumping on the keto diet bandwagon to lose weight and gain energy. To live more healthy overall. One part of...
So is CBD finally legal? With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the entire hemp industry, consumers are dying to know if...
As everyone who loves coffee knows, it contains caffeine. Unless, that is, it is specifically decaffeinated. But for most of us, it’s the caffeine that...
There are trillions of bacteria in your body. Some good, some bad. And most of these bacteria make their home in your intestine or gut....
Stress has been a part of our lives for as long as there have been humans. We have developed a mechanism for dealing with the...
The Truth About the Keto Diet: What You Don’t Know That You Should Know The ketogenic (keto) diet is arguably the latest and greatest,...
Where nutrition is concerned, there is always great debate. What is good for you one day may be the worst thing ever imagined the next....
It’s that time of the year again – flu season. Time to get your flu shot. At least, the drug companies, your doctors, and the...
Nearly everyone seems to be doing it, going gluten-free, that is. But how many even know what it means to eliminate gluten from their diet...
You’ve heard about low-carb diets. Ditching the carbs that come with bread and pasta, substituting vegetable carbs or cutting way back on any kind of...
Pain is a very unpleasant sensation you experience when something is wrong with your body. It’s a warning sign and can be stinging, burning, prickling,...