Sunscreen is worse for you than you’ve been told. And, getting more sun is “just what the doctor ordered.” How Bad Is Sunscreen? You be...
I see this question all the time: what’s the difference between CBD and hemp? And we have the answer right here: There IS a big...
You know how it goes. It’s 3am and you’re wide awake. Suddenly trying to solve the mysteries of the world in your head. So you...
Hi, I’m Dr. Ralph La Guardia, MD. Thank you for taking my sleep quiz, I will be emailing your results in a few seconds, check...
Plus: A Simple 3-Step Plan To Dramatically Improve Sleep In A Few Days Hi, I’m Dr. Ralph La Guardia, MD. I’ve been practicing family medicine,...
In all my videos I kind of skipped over one of the most important questions: what is CBD oil?? I cover everything you need to...
Hearing “You have too high cholesterol” is the same thing as hearing “You’re going to have a heart attack!” At least, if you believe the...
It’s the number one question we get with our clients: how much should CBD should I take?? It’s not an easy question but I answer...
Better sleep is the #1 benefit for me and thousands of my clients. I am a lifelong insomniac. Before CBD, if I got 6 hours...
What Is Leaky Gut? It’s important for you to know from the beginning that leaky gut is not a formally recognized diagnosis by the conventional...
So many people suffer from depression regularly. I know I do. Sometimes life seems too overwhelming. Do you ever feel depressed? I think we all...
Collagen is one of the latest fads that make the rounds of the health food field. Various claims are made for it, but what does...
40 million Americans claim they have either chronic or regular anxiety. It’s the #1 mental health concern in our country. So is CBD the answer? ...