Dangers of Flu Shots: 17 Facts the Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know - Healthy Living Association

Dangers of Flu Shots: 17 Facts the Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know

It’s that time of the year again – flu season. Time to get your flu shot. At least, the drug companies, your doctors, and the CDC want you to think so.

You’ve heard the reasons the “experts” say you should take the flu shot. You’ll not take sick days because of the flu. You can’t make anyone else sick. The shot won’t give you the flu. And so forth.

But the big question is: Should you really?

There are a number of things about the flu shots that everyone is encouraged to get that you should know. And these things aren’t talked about by those who are behind the flu shot business.

1) Which flu strain will hit this year? One of the biggest issues faced every year is the guessing game the CDC goes through about which of the approximately 200 flu strains will hit in any given year. The best the CDC can do is cover the three or four that they think may hit. And the injection is only some protection from those three or four. If you come into contact with one of the other strains, you will get the flu. There is no universal flu vaccine that can cover all of the strains.

2) The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is questionable. Even if the correct strain is guessed, the shot you get will only protect between 50% and 62% of you from the flu. Not very good percentages. You could still get the flu from the strain or strains which the CDC has guessed will hit this year.

3) Risks for pregnant women. A paper published in the 2017 edition of JAMA Pediatrics reported pregnant women getting the flu shot in the first trimester had a 25% greater risk of their child having Autism Spectrum Disorder. Another study published by the CDC reported an increased risk of spontaneous abortion in women who had the shot between 2010 and 2012. In spite of these reports, the CDC and physicians are encouraging pregnant women to get the injection. Of course, they do post warnings giving the possible risks.

4) Flu shots contain mercury. Thimerosal, a preservative, contains mercury and is used in the flu vaccine. Every person who gets a flu shot is exposed to 25 micrograms of mercury. This includes every child who gets the injection. Although the CDC assures everyone this amount is not harmful, it does seem to go against much scientific evidence. Many experts regard any amount of mercury to be dangerous, especially in young children whose immune systems are not developed sufficiently to protect them. They have no sufficient means of detoxifying their systems from this substance. Mercury has also been connected with speech and language delay and tics in children. Also, it has been shown to have a connection with ASD. Thimerosal has been shown to particularly build up in the placenta and travel through the blood in the cord to the fetus. The fetus has no developed means of detoxifying itself from this insult.

5) Children don’t benefit from the flu shot. A review of 51 studies regarding children and the flu shot showed the injection is not more effective than a placebo. A placebo is a pill or injection that contains none of the medication under investigation. This review included 260,000 children.

6) The flu vaccine suppresses the immune system. You would think a vaccine would add to the immune system, strengthen it somehow. Not true with the flu shot. Instead, it puts the dead virus into your body so your immune system will recognize it and have antibodies available to fight that particular strain. In young children, the vaccine can actually decrease the immune system, making children susceptible to developing runny noses, ear infections, even pneumonia. These illnesses are not unusual following a flu shot.

7) The flu vaccine can be dangerous for the elderly. Several studies have shown a significant risk for the elderly who take a flu shot. One study showed those elderly people who took the flu shot for 3 to 5 years consecutively had a 10 times greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease compared to those who never had a flu shot. Combine this with the weakening of the immune system that typically happens as people age and you have a serious risk to the elderly with the flu shot. For the elderly, the flu injection has four times the amount of antigen as the regular flu injection. To date, there is no evidence from science to support the need for this dramatic increase. It would be logical to believe such an increase in the strength of the injection will also lead to an equal increase in potential adverse side effects.

8) The people encouraging you to get the flu shot may not be trustworthy. There is an advisory committee appointed by the CDC called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). These people decide who should get the flu shot every year. Most of the members of the ACIP have some financial stake in the immunizations. They stand to make a great deal of money from the injections. This calls into question the decisions they make regarding your health and well-being. Are they motivated by concern for the health of the public or by a desire to make more money?

9) The flu virus can mutate. Just like overuse of antibiotics has given us antibiotic-resistant bacteria, continuing to use the flu vaccine and drugs designed to fight flu symptoms like Tamiflu can lead to mutated flu viruses that are resistant to any vaccine. This result would lead to even less effectiveness than is currently present.

10) Too many preservatives. Because the flu virus strains are grown in eggs and sheep guts, manufacturers have to add preservatives to prevent contamination from possibly harmful bacteria. Many of these preservatives are toxic to your body and may be carcinogens. One example is beta-propiolactone, typically used to sterilize surgical instruments and tissue. When it is injected into the body it has been classified as “reasonably expected to be a human carcinogen.”

11) Studies financed by government and vaccine industry sources have been shown to be of lower quality and more likely to support vaccination. But those studies conducted independently and those of higher quality have been much less likely to support vaccination.

12) Hidden ingredients. A fairly large number of ingredients can be in your flu vaccine that you won’t even be aware are there. Some of those ingredients are:

  • Ammonium sulfate – linked to respiratory toxicity
  • Formaldehyde – a known gene disruptor, carcinogen, and neurotoxin
  • Aluminum compounds – a neurotoxin linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Oxtoxinol-9 – a spermicide
  • Phenol – a toxin that disrupts the respiratory, reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems

13) Potential for introducing foreign proteins into your body. The eggs in which the flu viruses are grown can contain biological products that are harmful to the human body. Some of these products may be proteins linked to neurological disorders and oncogenes, genes that can change normal cells into cancer cells.

14) What about safety testing? It is the law that drugs are put through long-term safety testing to be sure they are safe for humans to ingest. Every other drug given to humans has to go through this kind of long-term safety testing. Not so with the flu vaccine. It isn’t possible to test a vaccine that changes every year for safety. So, a vaccine that isn’t tested regarding safety for human consumption is used on millions of people every year.

15) What about the flu mist nasal spray? If you don’t want to run the risks of something happening if you take the injected flu vaccine, what about the nasal version? While the nasal mist doesn’t contain the ingredients of the injected vaccine, it is a live virus created in a laboratory. There is also the possibility that you can “shed” the virus after getting the nasal spray, putting others in your home and those with whom you come in contact at risk for developing the flu.

16) Is the flu really that dangerous? While the CDC and others tend to emphasize the danger of people getting the flu, health statistics show a different picture. The CDC’s own publications say “only 2.1% of respiratory and circulatory deaths were influenza-related.” Certainly, having the flu is not an enjoyable experience, but it doesn’t appear to be as dangerous as some believe.

17) The flu vaccine contains antibiotics. Neomycin and gentamycin are two antibiotics that may be found in the flu vaccine, put there to kill out any stray bacteria that may be in the vaccine. Unfortunately, these antibiotics also kill the beneficial bacteria in your gut and can lower the effectiveness of your immune system as well as pave the way for development of Candida in your digestive system.


The information presented is for you to use in deciding whether the flu injection is something you choose to do. No medical advice is given or suggested.


10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu!  https://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/

5 Reasons To Not Get a Flu Shot Every Year  https://healthprep.com/living-healthy/5-reasons-to-not-get-a-flu-shot-every-year/

Why Not To Get the Flu Shot  http://www.sophiahi.com/why-not-to-get-the-flu-shot/

Top 3 reasons NOT to get the flu shot  https://healthfreedomidaho.org/top-3-reasons-not-to-get-the-flu-shot

Why You Should Not Get the Flu Shot  https://www.drdavidwilliams.com/why-you-should-not-get-the-flu-shot

Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot  https://www.naturalnews.com/024624.html

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