Should you really buy all things organic? When trying to eat healthier, respect the environment and stay away from dangerous chemicals, organic produce, and proteins...
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with diabetes? This increasingly common condition prevents your body from properly processing sugar, so keeping your glucose...
With COVID-19 news changing every day, it’s easy to get confused. In fact, as of November 25th, 2020, there are more than 320 vaccines currently...
Inflammation plays a role in all chronic conditions and aging in general. Inflamed tissues signal to our body something is wrong, so it can fight...
5 research-backed ingredients for younger skin If you choose the right ingredients, you can turn the clock back and enjoy youthful, fresh skin again. Here...
Have you ever woken up and already felt tired? Then it’s likely your muscles are too tight. Losing flexibility is more than not being able...
Have you ever had a headache? This is an extremely common condition. In fact, according to the World Health Organization around 75% of adults 17...
Juicy apples, sweet pears, earthy mushrooms and delicious squash… is your mouth watering yet? Fall is peak harvest season, and now’s the time to enjoy...
When getting into a new workout routine, it might feel a bit overwhelming: yoga, pilates, walking, jogging, HIIT, Tabata… so many options to choose from!...
Want to improve your gut health? Then adding more probiotics to your diet is an easy fix. Fermented foods are full of good microbes that...
In recent years, probiotics seem to be everywhere. These good bacteria, found in plenty of foods like yogurts and other fermented dishes, have shown to...
Are you officially diagnosed with high blood pressure? You’re not alone: 1 out of every 3 Americans have it. However, this doesn’t mean it has...
Experts talk a lot about a healthy gut, but what is it exactly? And, more importantly, how can you ensure yours stays healthy? Today article...
4 signs of trouble to look out for… Your pee can say a lot about your health. Is yours normal? Here are 4 telltale signs...