American All-Natural Superfood Diet Secular - Healthy Living Association

American All-Natural Superfood Diet Secular

[features_box_yellow width=”90%” + border=”2px”]ALERT: Local folk hero reveals his secret to one of the most effective weight-loss methods in America today, which has been proven to reduce body fat.[/features_box_yellow]

[date_today]Insert Your Text Here[/date_today]

If you’re like me, you’re worried about living a long, healthy life without excess fat and cellulite.

Everyday we struggle with:

[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]

  • Excess weight and belly fat that makes us feel like we’re carrying around a backpack full of lead
  • Maintaining a healthy heart and cholesterol levels while being overweight
  • Blood sugar issues that limit how much we can enjoy life
  • Heart and circulation issues that make exercise painful and sometimes impossible
  • Mental fogginess, forgetfulness, and problems concentrating
  • Food costs spiraling out of control
  • Skyrocketing health care costs


If you’re like most Americans you struggle with weight loss.

I used to struggle with it too.

But thanks to a little known formula I’ve found an easy to lose weight that has helped me regain much of my youthful energy.

How would you like to easily:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • Take advantage of one of the most effective diet systems for weight loss
  • Regain your youthful energy so you have the freedom to do what you want to do
  • Eat healthy, delicious proteins and vital nutrients for a fraction of the cost of buying these foods separately
  • Maintain a healthy heart, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels naturally
  • Strengthen your immune system so you can avoid getting sick
  • Regain your mental clarity
  • Have a healthy meal FASTER than fast food
  • Have a portable meal that you can take anywhere


How many of your everyday problems would be solved by losing weight, having more energy, and less pain?

Is that something you’d be interested in?

There is a way, and it’s easier than a meal plan, taking handfuls of horse pills, or changing your lifestyle.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Now You Can Lose Excess Weight So You Can Enjoy Life, Work in the Garden, Travel, and Play with Your Family[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Imagine being able to do the things you love, pain-free and with the energy you had in your younger days?

I’m finally rid of that ‘rundown’ feeling that made my life miserable for so long.

I didn’t completely change my diet, mind you, I just added one thing.

And that one thing has made me healthier, stronger, and leaner than I have been in years.

And I did it all thanks to my wife after she asked me one little question…

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]It All Started With an Innocent Question from My Wife Susan[/headline_arial_large_centered]

“Chris, why are you so tired and run down all the time?”  she asked with genuine concern.

The question caught me off guard.

I had been feeling tired and groggy more than usual, but I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it.

After all, I was the man of the house and it was my job to JUST KEEP GOING and NEVER SHOW WEAKNESS.

This is how I felt, all the time

This is how I felt, all the time

To be blunt, I felt old and fat.

I felt like I needed a nap all day, everyday.

If I could have, I would have spent all day in bed.

But like you, that just wasn’t an option.

Plus, I was gaining weight at an alarming rate.

I had packed on about 20 pounds in couple years and HATED the way my body looked and felt.

My wife knows me too well.  She saw the signs of fatigue, excess fat and became concerned.

I answered her question with another question: “How is that you DON’T feel tired all the time?

I thought I was just feeling OLD.  I thought this is what I should be feeling as I got older.

I thought getting sick with a cold or flu every 3-4 months was normal.

But my wife is actually 4 years older than I am and she almost never gets sick.

And she’s one of these Energizer Bunnies that never seems to tire.

She is constantly moving, taking care of the house chores, family and garden while I earn a living.

And she seemed to maintain the same weight she had in her 20’s.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]That’s When She Revealed Her Secret…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Susan pulled out a little can of ‘green powder’ that she had been using.

It turns out that early every morning, while I was still in bed nursing my aching, overweight body, she had been drinking a healthy greens drink.

She thought I would think it was too weird drinking ‘green juice’.

It was full of healthy vegetables, greens, and probiotics.

It was her secret to what seemed like superhuman energy.

So I tried it.  Let me tell you two things about that darn greens powder:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • It worked.  Almost immediately I had more energy, less pain, and more mental clarity.
  • It tasted AWFUL.  It tasted like lawn clippings and smelled like 5-day-old fish.  YUCK.


But I powered through, and kept taking it.  And slowly I got my youthful energy back.

I got sick a lot less often.

And I even lost a few pounds in that first month because I had so much more energy to exercise and work on house projects.

I started to think about how this stuff worked.  And that’s when I realized something…

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]It Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks: I Felt Awful Because Of The Food I Was Eating[/headline_arial_large_centered]

If you’re like me, you’re busy.  Even my retired friends fill the days with activity.

There’s always something to be done.

And if you’re still working full time like I am, the never-ending household chores and projects just seem to pile up and are never truly DONE.

There are never enough hours in the day, even if you don’t work full time.

The thing that tends to get neglected, or just plain forgotten, is your diet.

I would eat on the go all the time.

Like me, you probably grab a quick snack at a fast food restaurant, or even the gas station.

Some days we forget to eat altogether.

And when we do sit down to eat, we usually fill up on heavy carbohydrates and processed food.

This was the real problem: the food I was putting in my body.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]How The Longevity  Secrets of ‘Blue Zones’ Can Help You[/headline_arial_large_centered]

About this time I started reading as much I could about losing weight.

That’s when I stumbled upon an article in National Geographic about ‘blue zones’.

These are isolated zones around the world where people lived long, happy lives well into their hundreds.

Researchers discovered one of the secrets of the blue zones was that people in those places simply were thinner than the average American by a wide margin.

So what kept these folks lean and mean?

In nearly every case, they ate a diet high in vegetables and lean protein.  

The diet provided all the nutrients they needed, helped them keep off fat, and maintained energy so they could be active long past their 70’s.

This confirmed what I had been thinking about, and I knew I had to made a change.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Losing Weight Really Comes Down to Two Things…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Losing weight is hard, right?  It doesn’t have to be.

After all, nearly every major medical study and doctor will tell you it comes down to two simple things:

Diet and exercise.

Anything that claims to shed pounds that doesn’t involve eating better and getting more exercise is probably a bunch of snake-oil hooey.

You’re smart enough to know that.

But as we age, the cost and time involved with preparing healthy meals gets harder and harder.

And if we had the energy to exercise, we sure would – right?

What if there was a way to both improve your diet drastically AND get more energy to exercise with one incredible superfood?

Wouldn’t that make weight loss that much easier?

That’s what a friend and I decided to find out…..

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]That’s When I Bumped Into My Friend Dr. Patrick Conrad[/headline_arial_large_centered]

I’m probably a lot like you.  I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV.  I’ve become skeptical of Western Medicine, but there are a handful doctors I do trust.

Dr. Patrick Conrad is one of those doctors I trust.

Dr. Conrad is a friendly Floridian and board certified physician. He’s been practicing for 23 years.

Dr. Conrad grew up hunting and exploring the backwoods swaps of Northern Florida.

After attending The Citadel, he joined the Navy and flew spy missions targeting Soviet submarines.

He has over 200 carrier landings under his belt.

After the Navy he felt the pull toward medicine.

He graduated from the University of Florida College of Medicine in 1996.

Soon after he went into private practice and eventually emergency medicine.

I started chatting to Dr. Conrad about my experience with the greens powder and feeling better.

I told him how awful it was but that it seemed to be really helping me.

Dr. Conrad is incredibly spry for his 58 years.

I’ve always been envious of his youthful energy.

But I thought he’d have a negative impression of this greens powder, because honestly it seemed a little like something a ‘hippy’ would drink.

Dr. Conrad surprised me when he said “Oh yes, I take a greens drink every day too.  

You’re right they taste terrible, but boy do they work!” in his soft southern drawl.

That’s when the lightbulb went off.

I said to Dr. Conrad: “Why don’t you help me come up with a healthy meal replacement powder that tastes great AND will help people have more energy and maybe even lose some weight?

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Former Navy Flier and Medical Doctor Endorses New Superfood[/headline_arial_large_centered]

So Dr. Conrad decided to join the company as an advisor.

He has reviewed the medical facts and believes that the superfood has changed his nutrition and his life for the better.

Dr. Conrad keeps a jar of our superfood in his truck at all times.

In fact he keeps it right next to the bug out bag he keeps around for the violent storms the Gulf coast can get without notice.

And when he needs a pick-me-up during a long shift, or is in a rush and doesn’t have the time for a healthy meal, he shakes up some superfood with some water.

That helps him get through those long hospital shifts AND has helped him lose about 10 pounds in the last few months.

[testimonial2 author=”Dr. Patrick Conrad” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“I love this stuff, I go through 2 canisters a month because it’s so delicious and it makes me feel so good.

You’d be shocked at how fattening and unhealthy most hospital food is! I have a closet full of greens powders that my wife buys that I never eat because they taste so stinking bad.

I can’t keep this stuff around I go through it so fast.“[/testimonial2]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299”]The Good Doctor and I Decided We Wanted to Make Something Healthy That We’d Be Proud to Have Our Friends and Family Drink[/headline_arial_large_centered]

We wanted to make a product that I not only used myself but would trust to give to kids, my family, and my friends.  After tapping his years of experience we dug further.

We thoroughly researched medical studies, university publications, and hundreds of medical journals.

Our research made us realize that a proper wellness and meal replacement drink should have all of these things:

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  • Greens and vegetables to provide all the missing vitamins and minerals the body needs
  • Turmeric and cinnamon to relieve creeky and painful joints
  • Probiotics and enzymes to boost the immune system and ease digestion
  • Sea vegetables to provide essential nutrients and minerals for heart health
  • Flax and chia seed for brain-rejuventating Omega-3’s


And maybe most important of all:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • PROTEIN to feed the body’s essential functions, build strength, and create a complete, healthy meal-in-one mix


And then Dr. Conrad told me something that surprised me given that he’s part of the medical establishment: it needed to be ALL NATURAL.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]’Big Pharma’ Doesn’t Want You to Know About This…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Our pharmaceuticals industry doesn’t want you to go ‘all-natural’.  

That would be bad for business.

They’d prefer to get you addicted to their drugs so they can keep their all-mighty money machine running.

This is the truth unfortunately.

This is the truth unfortunately.

The drug giants know full well that there are dozens of all natural cures out there.

These cures have been around for centuries.

But if their customers discovered just how effective and easy these remedies were, they’d practically be out of business.

So they smear ‘all natural’ remedies because it takes money from their pocket.

But you’re smart enough to know that Mother Nature and God Himself created life-restoring, plant-based solutions to our health problems…

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]I Used to Think ‘All-Natural’ Meant ‘Doesn’t Work As Well As the REAL Thing'[/headline_arial_large_centered]

In the past, I’ve been skeptical of anything that claims to be ‘all natural’.

I think that term gets abused these days.

But at the end of the day there’s a reason why chemicals have taken over our lives: they work.  Or so we’re told.

What tends to get forgotten is the horrible side effects that can cause cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other horrifying diseases.

These are often caused when we use toxic chemicals, preservatives, and un-necessary additives that were created in a lab.

I’ve found more and more as I get older that natural supplements make me feel better overall and usually have zero negative side effects.

Even though Dr. Conrad often has to prescribe those ‘big pharma’ drugs to his own patients, he knows when you can go with a natural solution, you have to do it.

He advises his patients to take the all-natural path whenever he can.


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Here’s What All Those Greens Mixes You See Now Are Missing …[/headline_arial_large_centered]

You’ve probably seen the glut of ‘greens drinks’ that are flooding the market now.

They’re everywhere all of a sudden, and that’s because they work.

They contain wonderful nutrients and vital minerals that the typical American diet simply don’t provide.

But nearly every one of them are missing one thing: protein.

Protein, as you probably know, is essential for human survival.

It’s the reason we can heal wounds, repair tissue, and build muscle and bones.

It even generates skin, hair and finger nails.

Protein is the primary reason humans have the capacity to reason, to learn and have the advanced brain function that we do.

And yet all those healthy greens drinks are neglecting this essential building block: protein.

When you’re body doesn’t get enough protein, it’s starts to consume it’s own muscles and tissue.  Without it, you get weak and your muscles wither away.

To survive, you must have healthy protein.

So we included 40% of your daily recommended dosage of protein in every serving, to create a TRUE SUPERFOOD.

And then we tried the mix on ourselves and our close family.

We worked hard to get just the right amount of protein, nutrients, and supplements so that it not only made us feel great, but tasted great too.

Let me tell you, it was NOT easy!  But we persevered and finally found the right balance.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]The Results Can Be Seen in My Waistline![/headline_arial_large_centered]

Over the course of the last 6 months I’ve lost about 20 pounds of belly fat while drinking this superfood every day.

And I have much better muscle definition and feel stronger.

It might not sound like much, but 12 pounds is a big deal for me.

I struggled losing ANY weight for years.  And when I did, I’d put it right back on a few weeks later.

Now the weight is melting away and STAYING away.

The key to this stuff is not that it’s some ‘magic weight loss’ drink.

I know you’re too smart to believe that something like that even exists.

The key here is that I have more energy to exercise and work around the house and so I just naturally burn more calories.

And since I often drink this mixture instead of eating an unhealthy meal, I’m consuming fewer calories throughout the day.

Let me ask you this: what do you think happens when you burn more calories throughout the day, while also consuming fewer calories?

That’s right, you can’t help but lose weight.

It’s almost a certainty that anyone burning more calories and consuming fewer calories will lose weight.

Let me tell you what the four best words you can ever hear are: “Have you lost weight?

That has been music to my ears for the last 6 months, I’ve heard it a dozen times and I owe it all to this amazing superfood.  And I’m not gaining the weight back!

Neighbors started asking me what I was using to look so great!

This superfood worked so well, I just had to share it with others.  

Folks like me that were struggling with the same debilitating weight, fatigue, pain and mental fogginess that I was before I came up with this new formula.

And so, Dr. Conrad and I proudly present to you…

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]American All-Natural SuperFood[/headline_arial_large_centered]

American All-Natural SuperFood Vanilla-sm

The Affordable and Convenient Way to Get Protein, Vital Nutrients, and the Natural Supplements You Need in One Meal – Now in Delicious Vanilla Flavor!

Never before has one formula contained so much protein AND essential, natural nutrients.

[testimonial2 author=”Penny Adams, Pearland TX” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Thank you so much… that is what I call excellent service… I am enjoying your product and I am successful loosing weight and will recommend it to several people.

Two pounds in four days, with hardly any effort. Thanks again!”[/testimonial2]

[features_box_light_green width=”75%” + border=”2px”]American Flag…And it’s made right here in our US mixing facility. (Have you ever wondered where those other supplements are made?) 

It was important to us that we keep our product, the jobs it would provide, and the quality we could ensure right here in America.[/features_box_light_green]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]The Diet Craze That Is Sweeping America is Now Available in an All-In-One Canister[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Paleo Magazines

You’ve probably heard of the ‘Paleo Diet’ that’s sweeping the country right now.

There has been some variation of it going on for the past 25 years.

…And there’s a reason why. It works.

The Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet are similar variations of the diet.

The idea is that you basically take nutrition back to its roots and eat healthy meat, greens, and vegetables.

And these diets reduce your carbohydrate and sugar intake.

The bottom line is that research has proven, over and over again, that reducing sugars and carbohydrates in your diet WILL help you lose weight.

A recent Journal of American Medicine Association concluded that:

[content_box_grey width=”75%”]People burned, on average, 300 more calories a day when they were eating the very low carb plan than they did on the high-carbohydrate plan….. People eating a low-fat diet would have a much harder time maintaining their weight loss than people on a lower-carbohydrate regimen.1[/content_box_grey]

That’s exactly what our superfood is: healthy nutrients from vegetables, green and proteins without sugars and unhealthy carbs.

And it has a low glycemic index that is required of most of the popular and effective diets today.

Recently, a study conducted by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated:

[content_box_grey width=”75%”]A Paleolithic (“Paleo”) Diet has greater beneficial effects regarding fat mass, abdominal obesity and triglyceride levels…  1[/content_box_grey]

In fact it’s proved beneficial for people with:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • Blood sugar issues
  • Gluten and food allergies
  • Heightening metabolism for weight loss


Reducing carbohydrates reduces the body’s ability to store fat, and therefore allows you to lose weight.

Plus, high protein diets leave you feeling more satisfied, whereas high carbohydrate diets simply leave you wanting to eat more.

Now you can get all those benefits, the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, AND the protein in an easy to use mix that is truly delicious.

The typical American meal has about 600 calories.  

Our mix has just 140 calories per serving.  

Do you think you’d lose weight by replacing one meal with our superfood?

Imagine how easy weight loss would be if you had MORE energy and actually consumed FEWER calories by replacing just one meal a day with our delicious drink mix?

Plus our superfood can crush those cravings that make you want to eat more fat-producing carbohydrates and snack foods.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Scientifically Formulated to Crush Those Diet-Killing Cravings[/headline_arial_large_centered]

The hardest part of dieting is often resisting the cravings for salty, sugary and carbohydrate-heavy foods.

Recent studies have shown that these cravings are often the results of imbalances in our gut.

Basically, when we eat bad food, it kills off the good biology in our stomach.

When the biology in our stomach gets out of whack, we crave bad food to make us feel better – both mentally and physically.

So we crave more bad food, even when we know it won’t make us feel better.  You’ve probably experienced this before.

Often you want just a handful of potato chips, but end up eating the whole bag because we enter the vicious cycle of cravings.

So what’s the answer?

According to Bioessays (a medical study publication)17, balancing proper nutrition with healthy greens and vegetables can help.

Also, adding a healthy dose of probiotics to your diet can improve our gut biology, thereby reducing those intense cravings.

Our superfood can do all of that, in one easy and delicious mixture.

I’ve personally noticed that my own cravings for bad food are very rare now.

I feel good naturally, so I don’t need bad food to help me ‘feel better’ – especially now that I know bad food really makes me feel worse!

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]The Key to Weight Loss It NOT ‘Hard Core’ Exercise[/headline_arial_large_centered]

A lot of people you think you need to have intense, sweaty workouts to lose weight.

We have visions of ‘The Biggest Loser’ competitors running for miles.

They soak through their shirts and look completely exhausted.

This makes for great TV, but it’s dangerous – and science says it’s unnecessary.

Study after study shows that moderate intensity exercise is best for weight loss18.

So what is moderate intensity mean?

Things like simply walking, gardening, and riding a bike can be great fat burners.

But the key to doing that stuff is the one thing you’re probably missing: energy!

We simply don’t have the energy to exercise or work around the house.

Thankfully, our superfood includes a healthy dose of fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables and protein to give you the energy you need to keep moving!

Now I know you’re itching to find out what is in this amazing mixture of 44 life-changing superfoods, so let’s get to it:
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]We Are As Concerned as You Are About What You Put in Your Body, So We Only Use the BEST Ingredients![/headline_arial_large_centered]

There’s been a lot of media coverage lately about the crap that manufacturers put in their supplements.  Dr. Conrad and I were really concerned about this too, so we spent months finding only the best ingredients for our superfood.

We were determined NOT to end up like these guys!

We were determined NOT to end up like these guys!

Our blend is sourced from only the World’s finest ingredients.

And we specifically chose them for the ability to be absorbed by the body – so you get the full benefit of these amazing, natural remedies! our facility follows the National Sanitation Foundations’s Good Manufacturing Practices guidelines.

These guidelines provide a system to ensure that our product has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity that appear on the label.

We do all this so you know you can trust American All Natural Superfood!

[testimonial2 author=”Cindy A. Verdell, Georgia, USA” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Chris I lost 9 pounds, I went from 236 lbs to 227.2 that is great considering the time frame (one week!) and barely exercising, just walking my dogs.”[/testimonial2]

[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Life-Restoring Ingredient #1:[/text_bar_1_left]
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Finally a Healthy, Muscle-Restoring Protein That Is Non-Allergenic[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Unfortunately, one of our primary sources of protein has been hijacked by the agri-giant monopolies and the chemical companies.

Much of the milk we see in the grocery store, and the whey protein that comes from milk, cannot be trusted.

The cows are now pumped full of steroids, hormones and antibiotics that are then passed on to you. This is probably why we’re seeing dairy allergies and lactose sensitivity skyrocket in this country.

I bet you didn’t know that the milk homogenization process produces the same chemical that is used in dry cleaning!

set of vegetable fruits isolated on white background

We use all natural pea protein in our mix

So we decided to make our protein dairy free, using all-natural pea and brown rice protein.

These are easily digested and have no hormones and no antibiotics..

In fact the Journal of The International Society of Sports Nutrition recently found in a double blind study that pea protein and whey protein had the same affect on increasing strength and muscle mass.2

Imagine actually restoring muscle and strength….


[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Life-Restoring Ingredient #2:[/text_bar_1_left]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]The Fat-Burning Power of Spirulina[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Some of the best medicines comes from the places you least expect.

Spirulina, which comes from blue-green algae that grows naturally in tropical oceans, was used by the Chinese for food and medicine for centuries.

It’s been proposed as a food source for long term space travel because of it’s easy to grow and  it’s nutritional value.

Spirulina is a source of antioxidants, iron, B12, magnesium and protein.

Algae is grown in pristine ocean waters

Spirulina is grown in pristine ocean waters

Exciting new medical studies have shown this amazing algae to help with a many common ailments and diseases :

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • It can reduce LDL levels
  • Spirulina has strong antioxidant levels
  • It’s been used as a treatment for arsenic poisoning
  • Chronic inflammation
  • It’s a natural anti-virus
  • It’s known to boost the immune system

Imagine improving your heart health naturally…


[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Life-Restoring Ingredient #3:[/text_bar_1_left]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Harnessing the Power of the Sun for Healthy Living[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Our planet provides a huge bounty of healing plants.

Some of these harness hard-to-find vitamins and minerals, other harness the sun itself.

That is the case with the little-known Chlorella.

Chlorella acts as a tiny little engine, turning 20% of it’s available sunlight into nutritional energy.

Chlorella is a great source of protein, fiber, magnesium and essential nutrients.

But that’s not what is really exciting about Chlorella.

It’s been used in Eastern Medicine for centuries.

All-natural Chlorella plant in its native environment

All-natural Chlorella plant in its native environment

Chlorella has these amazing health benefits:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • It can reduce body fat percentages and cholesterol 6
  • It’s being increasingly prescribed to patients with damaged immune systems5
  • Chlorella can reduce blood-glucose levels6
  • It is a powerful detoxifier and can remove heavy metals from the body 7
  • It provides a powerful boost to the immune system 8
  • It’s a powerful antioxidant which can slow the aging process and make you look AND feel younger 9
  • Chlorella is very high in magnesium which a key contributor to mental clarity and battling depression


And, we’ve added only the highest-quality chlorella you can find. Ours is NOT high-heat treated and the cell walls have been partially broken for maximum digestion and nutrient absorption

Imagine improved brain function and reducing body fat everyday with a tasty shake mix…



10, 11, 12

[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Life-Restoring Ingredient #4:[/text_bar_1_left]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Body-Healing Grass Extracts For Antioxidants and More[/headline_arial_large_centered]

We use gluten-free barley an wheat grass extracts

We use gluten-free barley and wheat grass extracts

We combined the life-healing effects of gluten-free wheat grass and barley grass because it has amazing health benefits.

It’s been called ‘natures finest medicine’ by naturopaths at the Hippocrates Health Institute.

These all-natural grasses can help with:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • It has been clinically proven to heal the intestinal lining 13
  • It’s been proven to help patients maintain healthy immunity levels 114
  • It has impressive antioxidant properties 14
  • In a recent study it reduced fat cells in rats 14



[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Life-Restoring Ingredient #5:[/text_bar_1_left]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Probiotics for Healthy Digestion and a Stronger Immune System[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Bad anti-bioticsAntibiotic use has skyrocketed in this country over the last 50 years.

It seems like if you go in the doctor’s office with so much as a sniffle, you’ll walk out with a prescription for antibiotics.

But recent research has shown that killing off the sensitive microbes in your gut (which is what antibiotics do) can have many unwanted side effects.

These nasty side effects of antibiotic use can include:

[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]

  • Reduced immune response
  • Increased storage of fat
  • Increased population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria


[features_box_yellow width=”90%” + border=”2px”]Feedlot 2Ranchers have been giving turkeys, cows, and pigs heavy doses of antibiotics for years for two reasons: they can stave off common livestock infections AND it helps the livestock gain weight![/features_box_yellow]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Why You Need Probiotics Starting Today[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Probiotics, on the other hand, can help restore the natural ecosystem that occurs in our gut. Restoring the balance of bacteria in our gut has been shown to have a lot of amazing benefits.

According to recent Harvard Medical School publication 15:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Treats diarrhea safely and effectively
  • Can help sufferers of digestive issues
  • Bolsters the immune system


In fact a recent University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine stated:


[content_box_grey width=”75%”]It’s much easier to start moving if a car is idling than if its engine is cold. Similarly, if the immune system is already warmed up, it can better cope with pathogenic invaders.

The implication of these initial findings in animals, he says, is that prolonged antibiotic use in humans may effectively throttle down the immune system, such that it is no longer at peak efficiency.[/content_box_grey]

Probiotics can keep the immune system running at peak efficiency and ‘warmed up’ and “keep the immune system primed to more effectively fight infection from invading pathogenic bacteria.”

Let me ask you this, would you like to be sick LESS often?

[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]More Life-Restoring Ingredients:[/text_bar_1_left]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]PLUS a Whole Host of Healthy Supplements[/headline_arial_large_centered]

We wanted this to be a complete mixture with nearly everything you need to look and feel great.

So we included all these incredible superfoods in our mix, each one specifically chosen to maximize your health, energy, and weight loss:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • CoQ10, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from damage caused by toxins and aging

  • Organic Broccoli, Spinach, Beets, Carrots, Tomatoes, Parsley, Cabbage, and Kale (it’s a like a salad in a delicious drink) for essential nutrients AND alkalinity

  • Organic Apples, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries for a power-pack of vitamins and anti-oxidants (a diet rich in berries has been shown to reduce cognitive decline!)19

  • Cinnamon to help lower blood sugar levels

  • Turmeric to help lower inflammation and joint pain 16

  • Acerola Cherry, which is super-loaded with Vitamin C, to prevent scurvy (which can be caused by survival food!) and help heart health

  • Flax Seeds to control inflammation, digestion, and cholesterol naturally

  • Chia seeds which are loaded with Omega 3’s and great for heart health

  • Cocoa powder for heart health and energy

  • Kelp, a rich source of Iodine for thyroid support and detoxification

  • Milk thistle and dandelion root to help remove toxins from your liver and body, giving you clear thinking and more energy

  • Our proprietary blend of digestive enzymes and probiotics for better digestion and so that your body can absorb the nutrients of all of the food you eat in a day

  • Ginseng to fortify your immune system, lower blood sugar levels, and boost your energy

  • Ginger to add a delicious taste, boost your immune system, and regulate your digestion and stomach issue.

  • Aloe Vera – yet another ‘miracle’ plant we’ve included, for regulating your digestive system, detoxifying your body, and boosting your immune system



[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]”Alkalize” Your Body To Feel Younger[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Our Traditional American Diet (TAD) is highly acidic – which wreaks havoc on our body making us feel tired, sick, and weak. Our American All-Natural Superfood reverses that. It’s loaded with greens and veggies that alkalize your body.

That’s part of the reason it makes you feel so great:


What can an alkaline diet do for you?

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Our Mixture is Completely GMO-Free[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Monsanto, the FDA, and the agri-giants that have monopolized our food supply are intent on altering our food beyond recognition.

They’ve created food in a lab and then grow it using herbicides and pesticides that can cause cancer, autism, and Alzheimer’s.

download (4)So we’ve made our American All-Natural SuperFood completely GMO-free.

Those companies can’t get their hands on our ingredients as they focus efforts on monopolizing our corn, soy and wheat supplies.

Which is a big reason why we chose our all-natural, wholesome ingredients.

We wanted to make a healthy mixture that you can trust is free of all the chemicals and genetically-modified ingredients that are so prevalent in our food supply, and we’ve done just that.


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Plus, We Made it Allergen-Free[/headline_arial_large_centered]

allergen-rubber-stamp-set-green-stamps-common-allergens-37246915I have a few food sensitivities myself, and so does my wife. So I wanted to make sure that nearly anyone could enjoy our superfood. So I made sure it is:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Dairy, Milk, and Whey Free
  • Soy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Peanut Free
  • Hormone Free
  • Vegan Friendly
  • Shellfish Free


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]But Don’t Take My Word for How Amazing This Superfood Really Is…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Here’s what some of our most recent customers had to say…

[testimonial2 author=”Gale Dufresne, FL” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Hi  Chris,  I just tried my superfood drink and was very happy with the taste.

I drink another green juice every day, but it does not have the protein in it so this will be even better. I want to be healthy and lose weight so hope this is going to help with both. Thanks, ”[/testimonial2]

[testimonial2 author=”Marcia Turner, TX” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Love this!

Ever since I used protein drinks 8 years ago to lose weight, I’ve loved the convenience of making a snack (or even a meal if I really am not interested in cooking) with protein powder. And I’ve continuously refined my choice in clean protein. I always keep some powder in my car to mix with my ever-present water.

We have considered protein powder the perfect source in a crisis, no animals or even beans to grow, care for, feed, worry @ weather etc etc.

…I’m especially happy to see all the additional elements added. We use a lot of those now but it’s a lot of different containers, with different exp dates and # of servings.

I love math but I don’t want to spend that much time managing powders!

Thank you.”[/testimonial2]

[testimonial2 author=”Frank Davis” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Yep getting great results…especially the energy boost has helped tremendously cut back on coffee…from around 3 cups to 1….looking to cut out that last cup too…

And have actually noticed a 3 lb weight loss even just using the sample for a few days; my before breakfast was bagels, cream cheese and 20 ounces of coffee…

So more energy, eating better, better nutrition, sustained energy with less coffee and some weight loss….and it fills me up so yes I can say it is exceeding my expectations!


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]The Problem With ‘Health Food’ is it’s So Darn EXPENSIVE[/headline_arial_large_centered]

University of CambridgeYou probably already know that you could improve your diet and improve your health. But eating healthy is expensive.

A recent Cambridge University Study showed that eating healthy costs 3X as much as eating junk food.

The agri-giants have seized upon America’s need to get healthy and intentionally created prices that most people simply cannot afford.

This is straight from the Cambridge study:

[content_box_grey width=”75%”]We need to address the high and rising prices of healthier foods, which is likely to be influenced by a number of factors including agricultural policy and production, food distribution, and retail pricing strategies…[/content_box_grey]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]That’s Why I Wanted to Make an Affordable Solution That Tastes GREAT[/headline_arial_large_centered]

So I’ve decided to make the American All-Natural Superfood affordable for everyone. Just one serving of American All-Natural Superfood is the equivalent of all this:

1 Serving of American All-Natural Superfood =

[red_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • 2 Eggs (protein)
  • 1 serving of flax, chia, and hemp seeds (omega-3’s)
  • 1/2 bottle of organic kombucha (probiotics)
  • 1 pill of digestive enzyme supplement
  • 1 pill of acerola cherry supplement
  • 1 pill of turmeric (anti-inflammatory)
  • 1 pill of milk thistle
  • 1 pill of dandelion root
  • 1 pill of CoQ10
  • 1 multivitamin with iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper
  • Organic wheat grass powder
  • Chlorella and Spirulina powder
  • Mix of organic vegetables, fruits and herbs
  • Cinnamon, ginseng, ginger, aloe vera extract[/red_tick_list]


Who has the time - or the MONEY - for all this?

Who has the time – or the MONEY – for all this?

In fact, if you tried to gather all the ingredients yourself and make your own mix it would cost $5.70 per serving vs. just $2.10 per serving for our mix.  THAT’S A 50% DISCOUNT TO MAKING YOUR OWN.

And just think of all the time you would need to actually shop for all those ingredients and supplements, combine them into a blender, and actually make them taste good with sugary juices or milk.

And can you imagine what all that would taste like?

Our American All Natural Food has a delicious vanilla flavor.  

In fact it is so delicious I find myself craving it for a healthy, satisfying dessert or whenever I have a ‘sweet tooth’.  

And it has zero sugar!

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]So Just for Folks Willing to Try Dr. Conrad and My American All-Natural SuperFood[/headline_arial_large_centered]

I checked other mixes out there and was stunned at the prices they were asking!

[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]

  • Most were missing protein, so I immediately dismissed them. Protein is critical.
  • Some had some of the critical ingredients we had but were significantly more expensive.
  • Others were in our price range, but they were LOADED with sugar (that’s a quick way to put on weight, feel tired, and have poor memory) and had HALF of the vital nutrients we have!  We have ZERO sugars in our mix!


Just looks at this comparison chart!

NOTE: NO ONE uses the same scientifically formulated mix of essential nutrients and supplements that we do!

So we’re not going to charge:

$127 for a month’s supply like the famous Athletic Greens (that’s $4.23/serving and doesn’t even include protein!)

Or $73.75/month like Vibrant Health PureGreen Protein (that’s $2.46 per serving! and has lots more sugars, and no veggies, no healthy and cleansing grasses, no probiotics..the list goes on..)

Because the good doctor and I wanted to make something healthy and affordable:

Price today:




For one month’s supply (28 servings, 32 oz, which is TWO POUNDS) of delicious and complete protein-and-greens, in one delicious vanilla-flavored drink.


American All-Natural SuperFood Vanilla-sm

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Just Choose Which of the Three Options Below is Best for You[/headline_arial_large_centered]

SALE OPTIONS 2 vanillaSALE OPTIONS 2 vanillaSALE OPTIONS 2 vanilla
credit cards

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[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Now In Stock!  Get Yours While They Last![/headline_arial_large_centered]

[testimonial2 author=”Bob Bennett, Wilmette, IL” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly about my transaction…

I would also like to add that I have a sense you are running a very thorough and thoughtful operation.

In addition to the fantastic product, I really appreciated the follow up emails I received after our first order. They kept me informed on when to expect delivery (without having to ask) and re-explained your product’s benefits and reason for those benefits without just being more marketing.

Finally the instructions and suggestions you included in the box with the product were very helpful and showed a real sense of empathy and a connection with your new customers… right down to where to find the scoop and how to dig it out!

Thanks again for your great product and great customer service.”[/testimonial2]

Plus, if you upgrade, I’ll include these one-time only bonuses for anyone ordering today:

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Bonus #1: FREE American Superfood Shaker (normally $9.95)[/headline_arial_large_centered]

This FREE shaker allows you to:SHAKER -sm

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Put in one scoop of American All-Natural Superfood
  • Whichever liquid you prefer: water, almond milk, milk
  • Lightly shake and mix.


The “mixer ball” inside does all the hard work for you, easily blending the mix into a smooth, delicious shake.

This is perfect for when you’re on the go, driving, or even heading into the woods.


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Bonus #2: FREE Ebook Natural Herbal Home Remedies (normally $27)[/headline_arial_large_centered]

This 82-page guide is packed with information, tips, and tricks that will help you:[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Reduce medical costs so you have more money to spend on the things YOU wantHERBAL REMEDIES 3D-sm
  • Be in control of how you want to use your health items. If you like drinks and teas, aromatherapy, or external rubs – there are many options – so you can enjoy you can have natural treatments that are the way that YOU like.
  • Uncover the 12 stress reducers so you can sleep better at night, enjoy your day, and slow the aging process.
  • See what gives you more energy, removes pain, and cures those nagging ailments naturally, with things that are probably already in your cabinet
  • Find a fix for you particular health problem with our comprehensive A-Z guide breakdown. Each aliment has multiple natural herbal home remedy solutions.  So now you can finally feel better WITHOUT those expensive and horrible prescription drugs.
  • Be prepared for any emergency or survival situation with natural herbs that are inexpensive and or even FREE if you grow yourself.


Here are only a few issues that you can address with this guide:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Memory Loss
  • Indigestion
  • Stress
  • Eyestrain
  • Cataracts
  • Burns
  • …and that’s just the tip of the iceberg…



[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Bonus #3: FREE Ebook Detoxify Your Body (normally $10)[/headline_arial_large_centered]

This one-of-a-kind, 25-page FREE guide will show you:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Boost your Energy – So you can garden, play with your grandkids, and get together with friendsDETOXIFY 3D-sm
  • Lose some Pounds – So you look great, feel better, and make it easier on your heart
  • Build your Immune System – So you stay healthy all year long
  • Have Better Looking Skin – Slow down wrinkles, have that youthful glow
  • Think Clearly – Stay on top of your day.
  • And Much More – Better breath, Anti-Aging Benefits, Generally Feel Better.


Inside this guide you’ll learn:

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • What is Detox: Learn the various methods of detoxing your body
  • How to lose weight with detoxification
  • Options for pure colon cleansing
  • Natural tips for detoxing easily
  • Recipes for home made remedies to drink
  • Home made remedies for skin detox
  • How to stay detoxed!


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Bonus #4: FREE Weekly Health E-Newsletter (normally $29/year)[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Dr. Conrad and I are constantly researching new health breakthroughs.  We’ll share them all with you in our weekly email newsletter, delivered to your inbox free of charge.

There are natural health tips and tricks, and easy remedies that you can find right in your cupboard or the local grocery store.

Our focus is on easy and affordable remedies from Nature’s pantry!

This E-Newsletter IS FREE FOR LIFE if you upgrade today.

[guarantee_box_1 title=”PLUS: My 1-Year, 100% Money-Back Guarantee”]

My Personal, Triple Guarantee

I know you’re a savvy individual, and you’re looking for easy ways ensure your eat healthy, delicious meals for a fraction of the price you’d spend at the grocery store.

But you want to know that there is no risk to your hard earned money before you invest in this new superfood meal system.

So I’ll do that, but I won’t just guarantee your money back if you’re not happy.  I’ll make four guarantees for you – AND I’ll double your money back to show you how serious I am.

[green_tick_2_list width=”75%”]

  • 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee. I’ll warranty your superfood for a FULL YEAR. If at any time you’re not happy with your mix, EVEN IF YOU DRINK ALL OF IT, justlet me know and I’ll return your money, no questions asked.
  • Double-Your-Money-Back Performance Guarantee. I’m such a believer in this great new superfood, I’m going to bet the price of the mix that you’ll love it too. So, try out American All-Natural Superfood for one full year.  Test this one-of-a-kind meal system for yourself.  If you’re not feeling and looking better, I’ll not only return your money, but I’ll double it as an apology for wasting your time.
  • Customer Service Guarantee. I guarantee you’ll receive the best customer service you’ve ever seen. If there are EVER any issues with billing or receiving your materials, just email me personally at [email protected] or you can call 970-367-7624, or write to me at The Self Reliance Association, 1815 Central Park Drive #358, Steamboat Springs, CO, 80477.  I will get back to you always within 24 hours and usually within a couple hours.  I have been so frustrated by the decline in customer service over the years in this country, that I am determined to change it for the better for our members.[/green_tick_2_list]

So you’ll get your money back for a full year if you don’t like the superfood.  AND if you try it for 60 days and determine it just didn’t work for you, I’ll DOUBLE your money back.

It’s all part of my triple guarantee, and it’s only for American All-Natural Superfood customers.

We’re also A-Rated members of the Better Business Bureau and TrustGuard – great companies that ensure consumers like yourself are protected if there are any issues.

Freedom Writers Publishing BBB Business Review

Just look for ‘Freedom Writers Publishing’ on



[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Nearly Every Doctor You’ll Ever Speak to Would Prescribe MORE of This…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

There was a time when ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ was the most common medical advice.

I remember those days fondly.

When you went to the doctor, he took the time to find out not just what was wrong with you, but how you were living, what you were eating.

He would ask about whether you were getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising.

Now our medical system seems more interested in ‘churn and burn’.

Which is writing a prescription and getting you OUT THE DOOR so they can cram more appointments into the day.

So much of this is driven by the health insurance industry that discourages doctors from spending too much time with patients.

And it’s a symptom of a healthcare system that is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies.

Remember when your doctor used to say after nearly every appointment: “Eat your vegetables,  get some exercise”?

Now you’ll get MORE vegetables and have the ENERGY to exercise with the American All-Natural Superfood.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]This is PERFECT for Survivalists and Preppers Too…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Maybe you’re like me and you have a survival plan and even hoard food for a crisis.

Even Dr. Conrad has a bunch of MRE’s tucked away in what he calls his ‘Waco Room,’ (that made me chuckle).

This is what most survival food looks like

This is what most survival food looks like cooked

One thing you might not realize is just how bad that survival food is for you.

It’s been processed and packaged and so full of preservatives that it barely resembles food.

So I encourage you to keep some of this in your survival cache AND your bugout bag for when the big one hits.

After all, you’re going to need as much energy, brain power, and easy-to-eat food as you can get in a survival situation.

And our American All-Natural Superfood has a shelf life of 3 Years!

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]If You’ve Got 37 Seconds a Day, You Can Start Losing Weight Now[/headline_arial_large_centered]

FACT: shopping, finding recipes, and preparing healthy, delicious food is HARD.  It takes a ton of time and energy.  Most of us just don’t have the time to do it everyday.

It could take you 2 HOURS or more to shop for and cook a healthy meal.  Our superfood is ready to drink in about 37 seconds.  What will you do with that extra two hours per day?

This is a way you can have a healthy, tasty meal FAST.

In fact, our superfood is FASTER THAN FAST FOOD!

This is the perfect meal for those days when you’re traveling, working hard, or just plain too busy to eat.  I take it nearly every day, but many of my friends like it just for the days when they need that extra boost.

HunterMy friend Don loves to take with him hunting because he knows he won’t have the time or means to make a nutritious meal.

I like to take a scoop, throw it on some almond milk and bring it with me on the ski lift so I have the energy for a few extra runs.


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]We Know We Need To Eat More Fruits, Vegetables and Greens – Now It Can Be EASY[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Now that we know you need MORE natural proteins, vegetables and greens in your diet to improve your health, are you ready to take action?

Only a fool believes that the typical American diet OR their survival food provides what they need to live a long, healthy life and survive a crisis.

It’s time to make the changes you need to stay healthy.

You can do nothing, and expect the same results you’ve always had.

Or you can try something new, and do something to LOSE WEIGHT.

Not pictured: debilitating pain and discomfort

Not pictured: debilitating pain and discomfort

You need food that is good for you. That helps you burn fat.  Delicious, nutrient rich, AND convenient.

Now you can:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  • Harness the weight-loss power of the hottest diet in America
  • Crush those cravings you get for fattening foods
  • Have more energy
  • Have more mental clarity
  • Have less pain
  • Have less inflammation


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Don’t Wait, We Have Limited Quantities Available…And Your Health Can’t Wait Another Day[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Our first production run has been so popular that it’s nearly sold out.

We only made 500 jars in our initial run because getting our hands on the best ingredients is a priority – and they are NOT easy to find.

But I want to get this into your hands so you can try it right away.

So we’re accepting a limited number of new clients so that we can be sure to fill their future orders.

If you close this page down I cannot guarantee that this offer will be here when you come back.

Simply choose which option below is best for you below to start your order TODAY.

Every day that slips by with you eating the same old processed-food and pre-packaged poison that BIG  FOOD is shoveling down your throat means another day with pain, poor health, and low energy.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Take Control of YOUR Health and Diet NOW with Our American All-Natural SuperFood[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Look, You Could Buy ALL This:

Food to buy


Or You Could Just Take This – Easy, Economical, and Delicious:

American All-Natural SuperFood Vanilla-sm


[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Do Me and The Doc One Favor When You Get Your Superfood in the Mail…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

When you get your American All-Natural Superfood in the mail please do us one quick favor.

Try it.  Mix it with the free shaker and your favorite milk or even just water.

Then let me know what you think of it.

If it’s not one of the most delicious, most nutritious drinks you’ve ever tried I want you to let me know right away.

Woman Drinking shake

Your health and satisfaction is a priority for us and we want your feedback!

Even if we didn’t earn your business today, Dr. Conrad and I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read this important information.

We both hope you’ll take control of your own health the way we have.

Chris Peterson signature   Dr Signature




Chris Peterson                                                  Dr. Patrick Conrad, MD
The Healthy Living Association                    The Healthy Living Association


P.S. Even if you’re skeptical about the medical benefits, how nice would it be to have a completely nutritious and delicious meal replacement that you can take anywhere?

Or you can stick in in your bug out bag?  Or your food hoard?  Or save it for a rainy day when you need a meal on the go and just don’t feel like going to the grocery store.

THIS is the meal replacement you’ve always needed, but never had.

P.P.S. For 90% of Americans, weight loss is simple: eat fewer calories, burn more calories.  Do that and most people can’t help but lose weight.

Now you can have the energy to be active and burn calories.  And you can eat fewer calories by replacing just one meal a day with our amazing superfood.  When you think of it this way, weight loss is pretty easy.

P.P.P.S.  Maybe you’re perfectly happy with your weight and your health, but you’re still looking for a healthy, delicious meal that will you give you the nutrition and energy to keep going through the day.

That meal is finally here with the American All-Natural Superfood…

[testimonial2 author=”Dr. Clay Pendleton, MD” + pic=””]get-five-star-reviews_Fotor

“Wonderful, natural protein supplement that actually tastes good and is easy to mix for someone on the go or as a quick meal.  Very easily digested and also non-gmo.

I LOVE this stuff and recommend it to my patients all the time.”[/testimonial2]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Just Choose Which of the Three Options Below is Best for You[/headline_arial_large_centered]

SALE OPTIONS 2 vanillaSALE OPTIONS 2 vanillaSALE OPTIONS 2 vanilla
credit cards

Security Seal Certified Seal Privacy Verified Business Verified Seal
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Now In Stock!  Get Yours While They Last![/headline_arial_large_centered]

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#323299″]Frequently Asked Questions[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Q: What are the ingredients in the SuperFood?

A: Here is the label from the actual product. Notice there are ZERO sugars (we have no artificial sweeteners) and 20 grams of protein!

12-3-15 Supplement Facts


Q: What do you mix the Superfood with?

A: I like to mix it with almond milk, but many of our customers use regular milk, soy milk, or even water.  Honestly, it tastes really good with any of those options thanks to its subtle sweetness and hint of vanilla flavoring.  I do suggest taking the option with the shaker. It is much easier and faster to mix the Superfood with your favorite beverage by shaking it rather than stirring it.

Q: Where do you make this superfood powder?

A: Our superfood is created at a FDA-licensed facility in New Jersey right in here in the USA.  The facility is inspected quarterly by the FDA for cleanliness, accuracy of instruments, and food guidelines.

Q: What is the quality of your Chlorella and other ingredients?

A: Our chlorella has a partially-broken cell wall and is not high-heat treated, so it’s optimized for your digestion and nutrient absorption.  As for ALL our ingredients, we make sure to add nothing but the highest quality ingredients that can be found on the market.  Our facility is tested and inspected by the FDA 3-4 times per year to make sure that what you are getting is safe and high quality.

Q: What if I’m already taking a supplement that is in the Superfood?

A: We’re legally required to tell you to ask your doctor for more information on where you should take the superfood AND your existing supplements.  Each individual situation is different.  However the  levels in our superfood are such that taking this Superfood in addition to your regular supplements should not be harmful.

Q: Does the SuperFood contain any sugar?

A: No, our SuperFood contains ZERO sugars.  We use all natural stevia leaf extract to add just the right amount of sweetness.

Q: Does the SuperFood contain any soy, by any name?

A: No, our SuperFood contains no soy whatsoever.

Q: Does the SuperFood contain Vitamin K?

A: It basically has none. According to the National Institute of Health, daily recommended adequate intakes (AI) for adults is 120 mcg for men and 90 mcg for women. Our SuperFood contains 0.075 mcg per serving. This is less than 1/1000 of these NIH guidelines.

Q: What does ‘natural flavors’ mean in your ingredients?

A: We use natural vanilla bean flavor in the superfood.

Q: I have a food allergy, does your mixture contain gluten/soy/dairy?

A: I have a gluten intolerance as well so we made absolutely sure that there is ZERO gluten, soy, dairy, nuts and shellfish.

Q: How many servings are in one container?

A: There are 28 servings per container.

Q: Can American All-Natural SuperFood replace one or more of my meals?

A: Yes, especially if you’re hoping to lose a few pounds. Sometimes, I like just like to chew on some food also to get that satisfied feeling.  So adding some fruit, nuts or yogurt to the Superfood really hits the spot.

Q: Is American All-Natural SuperFood vegan?

A: Yes, there are no animal products in our superfood.

Have a question that we don’t answer here?  Just Email [email protected] and I’ll get right back to you!



1. Long-term effects of a Palaeolithic-type diet in obese postmenopausal women: a 2-year randomized trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014 Mar;68(3):350-7. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.290. Epub 2014 Jan 29.
2. Pea proteins oral supplementation promotes muscle thickness gains during resistance training: a double-blind, randomized, Placebo-controlled clinical trial vs. Whey protein – Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2015 12:3
3.  Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications,  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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4. What you eat can fuel or cool inflammation, a key driver of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions, Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School, February 2007
5. Dietary Chlorella pyrenoidosa for patients with malignant glioma: Effects on immunocompetence, quality of life, and survival Phytotherapy Research Volume 4, Issue 6, pages 220–231, December 1990
6. Nutrigenomic Studies of Effects of Chlorella on Subjects with High-Risk Factors for Lifestyle-Related Disease Journal of Medicinal Food. September 2008, 11(3)
7. Protective effects of Chlorella vulgaris in lead-exposed mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes Int Immunopharmacol. 2003 Jun;3(6):889-900.
8. Beneficial immunostimulatory effect of short-term Chlorella supplementation: enhancement of Natural Killer cell activity and early inflammatory response Nutr J. 2012; 11: 53
9. Investigation of the effects of Chlorella vulgaris supplementation on the modulation of oxidative stress in apparently healthy smokers. Clin Lab. 2013;59(5-6):579-87.
10. Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(2):362-70. Epub 2006 Mar 20.
11. Magnesium: The cure to all disease?, Science Based Medicine 9/13/12
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13.Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2002 Apr;37(4):444-9.
14. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions. Phytother Res. 2006 Mar;20(3):218-27.
15. Health benefits of taking probiotics, Sept 2005 Harvard Health Publications
16. Efficacy and mechanism of action of turmeric supplements in the treatment of experimental arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism, Volume 54, Issue 11, pages 3452–3464, November 2006
17. Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms
18. Body fat loss and compensatory mechanisms in response to different doses of aerobic exercise–a randomized controlled trial in overweight sedentary males.
19. Diet may help precent Alzheimer’s, MIND diet rich in vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts

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